B&H stocks the 2.5" Barracuda in capacities up to 2TB. Seagate's BarraCuda is available as a 2.5" hard drive, which is designed for laptop, mobile, AiO, and external storage. Seagate's base-level drive, which is hardly base level, thanks to its impressive specs, is the BarraCuda. Seagate BarraCuda: Versatile and Dependable How can you tell which type of Seagate drive is best suited for you? While it may not be immediately obvious, this article will help break down the function and purpose of each drive, thus allowing you to make more informed decision. So, suppose you're in the process of building a computer, populating a RAID or NAS array, replacing a corrupted drive, or simply expanding/upgrading your system's current storage. While at first glance these may appear to be mythical creatures of legend from some Lord of the Rings fan fiction, Seagate has used these terms to represent different types of its hard drives and solid-state drives.

BarraCuda, FireCuda, IronWolf, SkyHawk, and Exos.